Monday 30 September 2013


You can’t dance all the way down
the Yellow Brick Road.
It starts out wide and bright,
then curves ‘round corners, out of sight.

You, my dear, have seen lions and tigers and bears.
You, my dear, have stood eye to eye with fear. 

In the dark, there are quite frightening fellows.
In the dark, the path doesn’t seem so yellow. 

But you took heart, you took courage,
armed with veracity and valour.
You were safe in those arms,
as he followed you into the dark
and took hold of you. 

You, brave one, were not alone
on those dark days.

Nor in the cold light of day,
when the icy snow gave bite
to the words you’d say. 

There were days, too, full of songs and quick, rhythmic steps.
There were days full of rest and long, deep breaths.
There were days, full,
                           full of life.
There are days still,
               days still to fill. 

So, just close your bright, blue eyes,
tap those ruby heals together three times
and say, “there’s no place like home.” 

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